Get in touch

We would love to help you get familiar with Equine BandaFlex bandages. Whether you are a wholesaler, farm, ranch or horse owner please feel free to reach out to us at or fill out the form to the right or just give us a Call: 718 648-8685 We look forward to hearing from you and providing you and your horse the best all in one horse bandages on the Market. Once you try BandaFlex you and your horse will be hooked for life.
Equine BandaFlex Horse bandages
Patented…second to none!

Already Hooked on BandaFlex? Send us a testimonial with photo of your happy horse using BandaFlex and will send you 30 bandages as a gift for being a Happy and satisfied customer.

Click here to learn about our New Equine Bandaflex Video Rewards Program!